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Dr Ashleys Herbals Limited have been consistently growing our footprint across the globe and building Himalaya into a high-value global organization for all our stakeholders.

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ear-department.png Ear Diseases

liver-department.png Liver Diseases

brain-department.png Neurologists

bones-department.png Bones And Fractures

microscope-department.png Blood Analysis

Sustainable innovation Protecting Your Health is Our Specialty.

We believe in creating shared value with all our partners.Rupus Global Herbal Research & Development Institute is an experienced and effective research partner for your outsourcing needs. We are committed to providing flexible, high quality and confidential protein biochemistry contract services. We take a collaborative approach in establishing effective working relationships with our clients. Our aim is to provide integrated biochemistry custom services that alleviate bottlenecks and significantly increase your research productivity.


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Experienced Experts Certified and High Quality Research Scientist For You.

Suzon Keli
Sr Herbal Researcher
Dr.Simon Rachel
Senior Researcher
Dr Alma Sequeria
Senior Researcher
Prof. Suchitra Gupta
Senior Researcher

Pregnant Care Healthy Maternity For You and Your Baby.

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    Sonar Session
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    Baby Care

Our aim is to provide integrated biochemistry custom services that alleviate bottlenecks and significantly increase your research productivity. Our clientele spans the life science community: we work with institutions, academic and government sectors, and the large pharmaceutical and biotechnology marketplace. We offer a complete range of services from protein expression to characterization of the final product.As a rapidly growing direct selling industry, we are eyeing to accomplish newer zeniths with the assistance of our esteemed customers. We are trying to infuse the thought ‘health is wealth’ by producing proficient products. Our vision is to keep up the brilliant work we have been doing to date. The most enormousroom in this world is said to be the room for improvement – and we strictly abide by that. We are eyeing constantly developing our product, which might open up many possibilities for the people in the future. So, in a nutshell, our goal is to stand by the people, with the people, and for the people.

Considering up to a fair bit of extent, Products which serves the purpose of both nutrition and medicare has been used time and again. But all of them lacked something – some vital factor which could have made a difference, was missing. Rupus Herbals is studded with 12 ingredients which directly originates from the laps of nature. All of these nutrients consists of some unique quality which helps our body and mind immensely. The most notable factor about these ingredients are, along with palliating ailments they can also serve as a nourishing product. None of the other products circulated before had such an array of all-round benefits. Now we all understand that to attain mental health, being physically fit, calls for special attention. If a person is physically fit, mental consolidation can be developed. This, in turn helps that person to pursue each and every possibilities in life. So this can be concluded that, Rupus Herbals play an imperative role in opening up various possibilities.



It has been found that its extract can neutralize up to 20-30 times more free radicals than any other natural sources. Mangosteen is good in vitamin C which is a powerful water soluble ANTIOXIDANTS.

Mangosteen helps to strengthen the immunity system. It promotes joint & cartilage function, supports a strong respiratory system and help in maintaining good health. The active therapeutic compound found in Mangosteen is called “XANTHONES”. Xanthones are a family of phytonutrients loaded with potent of health benefits and antioxidants properties. Xanthones in Mangosteen have the ability to eradicate and destroy cancer cells.

The mangosteen fruit is said to contain at least 43 known Xanthones, majority of which are found in the fruit wall or pericarp of the fruit. By damaging the free radicals, these antioxidants protect the body from various diseases, ranging from common cold and Flu, Cancer risk and Heart disorders.

There are over 200 XANTHONES found in nature. But 43 of them are in the Mangosteen, 3 in pulp and 40 in the pericarp. Until recently it has been one of the Nature’s best kept Secrets.

Every Industry from automobiles to computers constantly creates better ways to improve upon their products. Much more than a great Antioxidants, Xanthones are a class of multi-functional phytonutrients poised to raise the bar in the nutritional arena! At our company, we have not only launched a category creator, we are the next generation of supplementation. When you first hear about how Mangosteen benefits you will experienced health professionals – who understand why it helps their patients and how it heals their bodies – have written extensively about the health benefits of the Mangosteen fruit.

What makes Mangosteen (Garcinia Mangostana L), So versatile in addressing so many health issues and in promoting health in so many ways?

While all these Xanthones have similar molecular structures, each one has its own unique chemical composition that permits it to perform a specific function.

Alpha-mangostin, for example, is a very potent antioxidant. Gamma- mangostin is a powerful anti-inflammatory. Garcinone E is a strong anti-tumor agent. These and the other Xanthones found in the Mangosteen provide a virtual medicine chest of natural healing compounds that address a wide variety of health issues.

Natural remedies provide health benefits without the harmful side- effects of drugs. But some who hear or read about the many health benefits of Mangosteen for the first time may be inclined to say that it’s just too many and too good to be true for one exotic fruit to be able to provide them all.

Centuries of Mangosteen use has helped Southeast Asians maintain or regain their health and cure their diseases. Traditional Asian healers use the fruit to stop infection, treat inflammation, and increase one’s energy, among others.


Siberian Ginseng aids in the recovery from strenuous exercise and extreme mental exertion. Its adaptogenic qualities make it a must have herb for those engaged in highly stressful jobs or high energy activities. It is also extremely useful to those working in abnormally high or low temperature environments. Another important action of an adaptogen is “immunomodulation” — a process by which an immune response is altered to the desired level.

This is partly achieved by recharging exhausted adrenal glands – when these glands become over-taxed leading to different systems in “J-the body to break down.

Siberian Ginseng consists of a group of glycosides known as eleuthero sides. The evidence is mounting that Siberian Ginseng enhances and supports immune system response, making it a possible natural alternative in the long term management of various diseases of the immune system.


Elderberry fruit contains high levels of Flavonoids, which means it might have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

These help to protect healthy cells from harmful free radicals that play a role in skin problems. Used for its antioxidant activity to lower cholesterol, improve vision, boost the immune system, improve heart health and for coughs, colds, flu, bacterial and viral infections and tonsillitis

Elderberries contain organic pigments, tannin, amino acids, carotenoids, flavonoids, sugar, rutin, viburnic acid, vitamin A and B and a large amount of vitamin C.


Sigru history dates back to 4,000 years ago, with earlier civilizations using it to help alleviate anemia, arthritis, joint pain and constipation.

Its biological structure is similar to sulforaphane and appears to be protective when taken as supplement.

The most amazing fact about Sigru is that it is a storehouse of nutrients and medicinal chemicals. Sigru tree is rich in nutrients such as minerals, fiber and proteins that can play essential role in human nutritional consumption.


Safed Musli, or Chlorophytum borivilianum, is an ancient herb from India used in Ayurvedic and Unani medicine for centuries. Safed Musli has been primarily used as an aphrodisiac. It is believed to have tremendous benefits for sexual health, predominantly male sexual health. It has also been used as a strength-enhancing and stress-relieving substance.


From the dawn of humanity, berries have always been used in food and medicine for their exceptional nutritional value and medicinal benefits. There are hundreds of species of berries around the world, but not all of them are as extraordinary as blueberries. Bilberries sometimes known as European berries, are tiny berries with blue colour native to Northern Europe. The botanical name of these berries is Vaccinium myrtillus. For centuries now, blueberries have been used for their medicinal properties.


The botanical name of Ashwagandha is Withania somnifera. Ashwagandha is one of the most popular Ayurvedic herbs known throughout the world for its exceptional benefits. In Ayurveda Ashwagandha has been used for over 3000 years to alleviate anxiety, manage stress, improve energy levels, enhance the circulatory system, improve concentration and much more. Ashwagandha is sometimes referred to as Indian Ginseng because primarily it is found in India and has been used in India since ancient times. But there are some places in Africa as well that produce Ashwagandha. It is basically a small shrub with yellow flowers. The parts of the Ashwagandha plant used for medicinal purposes are its roots, leaves and berries (mainly).


Ginkgo biloba, often known as the maidenhair tree and referred to as ginkgo or ginkgo, is a tree native to China. Ginkgo biloba, often known as the maidenhair tree and referred to as ginkgo or ginkgo, is a tree native to China. It is the last living member of the Ginkgoales order, which dates back over 290 million years. Fossils of the genus Ginkgo, which are incredibly similar to current species, date back to the Middle Jurassic period, some 170 million years ago. The tree was first grown in ancient times and is still widely planted now. Ginkgo leaf extract is a popular dietary supplement. However, there is no scientific evidence that it benefits human health or is beneficial in treating any disease.


Shatavari is another traditional ayurvedic gem with extraordinary health benefits. It is also known as Asparagus racemosus. For centuries Shatavari has been used in traditional ayurvedic medicine as a rejuvenating and vitalising agent. It has some extraordinary adaptogenic properties, which make it an ideal herb for the treatment of physical and psychological stress. Shatavari is not just used for the treatment of specific conditions but also as a general wellness enhancing herb. It can come in all different forms, from powders to tablets. Healthy individuals with no underlying health condition can also use Shatavari to improve their fitness and prevent any future ailments.


Gokshura, also known as Tribulus Terrestris, is a herbaceous plant found all over the world. The Sanskrit word Gokshura means “cow’s hoof.” The name was given to the Gokshura fruit because of the tiny thorns that used to get trapped on the hooves of grazing animals. The Gokshura plant has evolved to thrive in harsh environments and can be cultivated in arid areas where other plants would perish. Gokshura is a potent medicinal plant that has been used for a variety of therapeutic purposes in the past.


Punarnava, also known as Boerhavia Dffusa, is an Indian medicinal herb used for centuries in India for its extraordinary health benefits. Punarnava is a Sanskrit term that means “to regenerate the body.” This plant has been utilised as a formidable Traditional Indian medicine with several health advantages since ancient times. Punarnava (Boerhaviadiffusa) is a trailing evergreen plant with a stem height of up to 60 cm.


Manjistha has an ancient history that goes all the way back to the Vedic period. Majistha has been known for its health benefits and dying properties for thousands of years. Ayurvedic literature has described the health benefits of Manjistha in several texts. According to Ayurveda, Manjistha is a rejuvenating plant with strong detoxifying properties. It has been used to clean and detoxify the human body for over a millennium.